Environmental problems in two development regions: region center and region Bucharest-Ilfov


  • Elisabeta ROŞU Institute of Agricultural Economics Romanian Academy


environmental problems, regional analysis


The environmental problems are phenomena determined by essential modifications that are produced in nature under man’s influence. Initially the environmental problems have a local origin, yet they affect large areas and finally become regional or global problems.We experience a development crisis with a natural-human character, which gets worse the balance of compatibility between the natural environment and that created by man, with consequences which become irreversible in time and space, implying an increasingly large number of people being able to endanger life evolution at world level where: „Poverty is an enemy of the environment as big as the richness” (V. Tufescu, M. Tufescu, 1981).    


Bran, Florina (1997), Efectele relaţiei om-mediu în pragul anului 2000, Editura ASE, Bucureşti.

Otiman, P.I. (coord.) (2006), Agricultura şi spaţiul rural românesc din perspectiva dezvoltării durabile, Editura CIDE, Bucureşti.

Tufescu, V., Tufescu, M. (1981), Ecologia şi activitatea umană, Editura Albatros, Bucureşti.

*** Regional Agency for Environment Protection Sibiu, Report on the environmental factors in Region 7 Center, years 2007, 2008 and 2009.

*** Regional Agency for Environment Protection Bucharest, Report on the environmental factors in Region 8 Bucharest Ilfov, years 2007, 2008 and 2009.

*** (2006), Planul Naţional de Dezvoltare Rurală 2007-2013, MAPDR, Bucureşti.




How to Cite

ROŞU, E. (2011). Environmental problems in two development regions: region center and region Bucharest-Ilfov. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 11(2), 127–134. Retrieved from https://www.anale.spiruharet.ro/economics/article/view/11213

