Poverty - Fatality or circumstance? The principle of “take-off” from poverty
poverty, “take-off” principle, survival, perspective, motivation, supportAbstract
Poverty is one of the most challenging issues to be addressed by contemporary society. Although it could be considered as a legacy of previous era and it was addressed by a wide range of experts, a meaningful solution is still to come. The paper looks to the content of the poverty concept, reviews the causes of it and how it is approached by various ideologies and formulates a principle – “take-off” – that could serve as guidance for reducing or removing it. This principle refers to perspective, motivation that transforms perspective into a tangible goal, and external support that could be engaged directly through investments, jobs or indirectly through education, health assistance, and social work.References
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How to Cite
BRAN, F., & MANEA, G. (2011). Poverty - Fatality or circumstance? The principle of “take-off” from poverty. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 11(1), 137–144. Retrieved from https://www.anale.spiruharet.ro/economics/article/view/11124