Useful crises


  • Emilian M. DOBRESCU Professor Ph.D. Spiru Haret University, scientific secretary of the Department of economic and legal sciences and sociology of the Romanian Academy
  • Roxana ŞTEFĂNESCU Senior lecturer Ph.D. Faculty of Management, Braşov, Spiru Haret University


financial, monetary and economic crisis, fraud


The autumn of 2008 has produced, starting from the American and European mortgage credits crisis, the most powerful and deep financial, monetary and economic crisis, which last phases the most advanced states of the planet seemed to be experienced in the first half of 2009. As anything that happened in the life of humans, the economic crises have not only bad, negative sides, but they also have good, positive sides.   


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How to Cite

DOBRESCU, E. M., & ŞTEFĂNESCU, R. (2010). Useful crises. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 10(2), 47–53. Retrieved from

