Leadership and management of change during a crisis time


  • Marian NĂSTASE Senior lecturer Ph.D. The Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Romania


leaders, globalization, crisis, organizational culture, performances


Change is now perceived as a condition of normality, a situation that doesn’t frighten anymore to such extent as it did few years ago. Moreover, it really feels today as a normal process through which people and organizations have to go through. What is important represents the finality of such process.The present crisis clearly demonstrated that many organizations had problems, not because of the changes in their environment, but in themselves. Their managers, their leaders failed in some moments to take those decisions that could provide a stable and healthy development of the organizations. But, instead, they got into some situations that outdid their expertise and, quite often, the pride or the lack of confidence in their co-workers hampered them to get the right support in due time. The paper investigates some relationships among leadership, management of change and crisis issues, emphasizing some interdependencies among these phenomena.


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How to Cite

NĂSTASE, M. (2010). Leadership and management of change during a crisis time. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 10(1), 39–47. Retrieved from https://www.anale.spiruharet.ro/economics/article/view/1014

