Pension reforms in central and eastern European countries and their outcomes


  • Luise MLADEN Lecturer Ph.D.*, Senior Researcher** * Faculty of Finances and Banks, Spiru Haret University **National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection


pension system, financial sustainability, pension adequacy, pension reforms, public pensions, private pensions


All Central and Eastern European countries have achieved reforms oftheir pension systems varying in orientation and depth. We have presented themost important moments in the history of reforms of six countries (Romania,Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria) and we have triedto explain the reforms’ motivation. The paper reviews the performance of thepension systems in the selected countries regarding the issues of pensionadequacy and financial sustainability.


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How to Cite

MLADEN, L. (2012). Pension reforms in central and eastern European countries and their outcomes. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 12(1), 59–68. Retrieved from

