Communication crisis and its solution through crises management


  • Nicoleta DĂNESCU Assistant lecturer University Spiru Haret, Braşov


crisis situation, anti-crisis action, interpersonal relations, communication barriers, image crisis, communication channels, feedback


Crises are never convenient as they are destructive. Any institution or organization may face a crisis situation, able to endanger its normal activity and reputation. Some crises are predictable and can be prevented, others cannot be grasped and thus prevented. Experience proved that, despite all technical, economical, financial or educational cautions taken to stop or control a crisis, it can get out of control and develop. In these circumstances, the crisis can bring serious prejudices to the organization if not properly managed from all points of view. Communication during crisis is extremely important, aiming at generating changes and taking action against the crisis. Above all, crises management consists in interpersonal relations. Management activity in crises situations develops a constant and complex communication process with the aid of which, the manager, the crisis cell, the entire staff interact in order to find the optimal strategies to survive the crisis situation.  


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How to Cite

DĂNESCU, N. (2011). Communication crisis and its solution through crises management. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series, 11(2), 173–180. Retrieved from

